While you were sleeping…..

My job requires me to work at some pretty ridiculous hours.

Often while you’re asleep I’m awake making sure you’re safe in your bed.


This is Surfers Paradise from a different perspective. It looks pretty and unassuming which belies the actual chaos and depravity of its streets.

'Looking North'

The quiet end of town. Rarely considered picturesque, it is certainly nice to look over the water and gather some peace.

Occasionally I get to take time out and record what’s around me.

Sometimes my town is so peaceful despite the chaos I have to deal with. It reminds me that my job does not define me or determine my attitude.

I hope you enjoy my view of the night.

'Nasty Surprise'

This is one of the hazards of running around in the dark. The sneaky little buggers like making their webs across pathways and between trees. Not nice to meet face to face!

….and what you might have missed early in the morning.

Sun Salutation

The sun is up incredibly early here in Summer. So early in fact that most (sensible) people are still asleep. Luckily I’m still up and at ’em and get a chance for views like this.